What is leadership? It is a set of skills, including the ability to inspire and motivate others, to communicate effectively, to take initiative, to make plans and execute them, and much more.
These skills are important, now more than ever. Not long ago all it took to have a comfortable career was to do well in high school, get a college degree, and find a nice stable job. But the world is changing rapidly, many of the nice stable jobs have moved to developing countries, and even a college degree is not the sure investment it once was.
Good grades are not enough.
But there remain endless opportunties for teens (and adults) with real leadership skills – regardless of career choice. Leadership skills are what you need to manage a team, to stand out as an employee, to start a business and to nail that interview.
But how do you teach those skills to teenagers? Parents, teachers, coaches, scoutmasters, youth counselors and advisors strive to do so every day – but often have limited (if any) training on how best to accomplish this goal. This book fills that gap.
This is not an academic or theoretical book on youth leadership. It does not contain flowery language with vague concepts that will leave you wondering how to put them into practice. It contains no wishful thinking about how the teens or the world should be.
It is a relentlessly practical guide on how to effectively guide teens to become leaders. The techniques you will learn are proven in the only way that matters – with real teens. And not just those teens who are natural leaders. Because the real magic in these techniques is not just in their ability to help those who are already excelling, but in their ability to work with those teens who seem ordinary, or even hopeless.
In fact, you will not only learn these techniques, you’ll learn how to teach them to the teens so they can teach them to each other. And in doing so, they will become even stronger leaders. Some of them will become better at it than you are. What greater measure of success could you ask for?
So get yourself a copy and try it out. You won’t regret it.
Read the introduction
Read the table of contents